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Setup Splash Screen

To Create an App Splash screen we Have two option :

we are going to choose React Native bootsplash over the Splash screen Because :

  • react-native-splash-screen encourages you to display an image over your application, react-native-bootsplash way-to-go is to design your launch screen using platforms tools (Xcode layout editor and Android drawable resource).

  • Instead of displaying the launch screen over the main UIView / Activity, it will be displayed inside it. This prevents "jump" during transition (like in the example: horizontal & vertical centering using iOS auto layout or android gravity params will match perfectly the mounted component which uses { alignItems: "center"; justifyContent: "center" } to center its logo).

  • It should not prevents you from seeing red screen errors.

  • Hiding the launch screen is configurable: fade it out with a custom duration or hide it without any animation at all (no fade needed if you want to animate it out!).



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Last updated on by Youssouf El Azizi