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Use Environment variables

Using a solution to load environment variables for your React Native application is Very important to make maintaining your keys and URLs an easy task.

There are multiple solutions like react-native-config which the most popular one but the library requires Native linking and adding or updating new environment variables mean rebuilding the App.

Also, react-native-config comes with the possibility to use environment variables on native code (Android/Obj-C) but this requires manual steps to follow.

The 2nd solution which we recommend to use is react-native-dotenv, a babel plugin that can Load environment variables using import statements.

Setup react-native-dotenv#

yarn add react-native-dotenv

Add plugin to .babelrc configuration

plugins: ["module:react-native-dotenv"];

Now Create your .env and .env.development files in the project root folder.


Now, you can easily import your environment variables

import { API_URL } from "@env";

For typescript, you should add a typing file for "@env" module. Create a file types/env.d.ts in your root folder and type your variables

declare module "@env" {  export const API: string;}



Last updated on by Youssouf El Azizi